The ERDINGER Alkoholfrei Active Tour

The ERDINGER Alkoholfrei Active Tour

Regeneration for heroes.

Intensive training, stamina and passion – endurance athletes have to invest a lot to enjoy that magic moment at the finishing line. And of course it’s worth every effort! For almost two decades, ERDINGER Alkoholfrei has been supporting athletes who give their all to achieve their goals and realize their dreams of finishing in the best-possible time. Every year, the isotonic thirst-quencher welcomes hundreds of thousands of runners, cyclists and triathletes as they cross the finishing line and shares with them the emotions of this unforgettable moment.

The route taken by the refreshing thirst-quencher to the thirsty athletes at the various venues may differ, but the starting point of the trip for this precious cargo is always the same: the brewery’s home in Erding.
